January 2017 Mangum Dental Mouth-of-the-Month
What if you cannot afford expensive and extensive crown work?
This patient came to Mangum Dental extremely dissatisfied with the appearance of his front teeth. They had been worn down severely. Porcelain crowns were recommended to rebuild the lost tooth structure. However, he could not afford crowns at this time. Dr. Mangum gave him another option (we believe in options at Mangum Dental). He offered to rebuild the teeth with a resin as a temporary measure while the patient saved up enough money to replace the resin with porcelain in the future. As you can imagine he was pleased with the result.
Mangum Dental has been serving the Prescott-area dental needs since 1978. We strive to provide exceptional patient care while rendering outstanding compassionate service. Find us online at www.MangumDental.com.